New Piercings- What is Normal?
Congratulations! You’ve just gotten a new body piercing which is very exciting. Maybe it's your very first piercing ever, or maybe you...
New Piercings- What is Normal?
Conference Prep
Piercers and Perfectionism
Eyebrow Piercing 101
2023 Recap
PCOS and Piercings
Self-Advocacy at the Dentist
Bruising After Piercing
I Worship at the Church of Pain
Glasses and Piercings
Piercing and Overwork
Healing with Hoops
What is Sterile
Traveling with Plugs and Hangers
High Nostril 101
12 Year Piercerversary- A Letter to New Piercers
Emergency Series- Loosing a Plug
Pregnancy and Piercings
Piercings and Dirty Jobs
Lip Filler and Lip Piercings