Herpes- a viral infection that can cause sores, blisters, and ulcers to form, weep, scab, and eventually heal on the skin. Most known to cause outbreaks in the genital and oral area. This incredibly common virus affects 50-80% of Americans with millions of new cases every year. This virus is incredibly easy to catch and spread and most of us will come in some level of contact with it in our lives. While there is no cure there are very promising treatments to manage symptoms and outbreaks. Herpes has been heavily stigmatized for many years, despite such a large portion of the population having it. Between this stigma and the realities of living with herpes, many clients feel like this makes them unable to be pierced. However, herpes is nothing to feel ashamed of and doesn’t have to be a barrier to getting body art if you want to. Today, let’s look at ways to manage herpes safely while still getting the piercings you want!
Healthy Skin, Healthy Piercing
If you have herpes, one of the biggest factors in getting piercings is piercing through healthy, unbroken skin. We don’t want to pierce through anywhere currently having an outbreak. Herpes outbreaks can spread from the fluid produced from the sores. So even if say you have a cold sore on one side of your lip but want the other side pierced- we should still wait. Honestly, if you are having an outbreak anywhere you should allow that to heal before getting any piercings- even if they are on a different body part. The fluid from the sores could easily spread to the area of the new piercing and cause an outbreak around it. If you are having an outbreak there is a lot of medication over the counter to manage it and relieve symptoms sooner. You’ll want your outbreak to heal and be healed for at least a few weeks before coming in to get pierced, just to be safe.
Some folks hear that I don’t suggest getting any piercings during an outbreak, even on a different body part, and feel like that is an excessive warning. But I say so because…
Piercing can Trigger an Outbreak
Anything that wounds or damages the skin, particularly in areas prone to outbreaks such as the mouth or genitals, can trigger an outbreak. This can be as innocent as cutting yourself shaving or scratching yourself. Or getting a new body piercing. Illness, stress, fatigue, surgery, hormones, and sex can all also trigger outbreaks in people. Because these outbreaks can be easily triggered and so variable, it’s important we include managing them when we consider being pierced.
A great way to do this is through antiviral medication. There are several medications like this on the market for herpes currently. These medications work by inhibiting DNA synthesis and preventing the virus from replicating. These antivirals work for both oral and genital herpes. Some people choose to be on medications like this indefinitely to minimize their outbreaks and lower their risk of spreading this to a partner. Others choose to just take medications like this as needed. If you are concerned about a potential outbreak from a piercing, choosing to take these is a good plan. You can start them generally a few weeks before piercing, and stay on them for the duration of healing. If you are planning medication to limit outbreaks during piercing please always discuss this with your doctor and follow all medical advice for medicating safely.
Because piercing can be a trigger, being more careful with how you approach piercings also greatly helps minimize the risk. I would start with just one or two piercings, and monitor how your body heals them before adding more. If you are planning on oral or genital work, I would consider limiting it to one at a time to be safe. Beyond that, starting with simpler jewelry is often a better bet. While larger or decorative pieces are very pretty they can make healing more difficult. They can also hide potential outbreaks starting on the skin until they are much worse. Starting with simple, basic jewelry so it’s the easiest to clean and heal, and the easiest to monitor is usually a safer approach. Then you can get fancier pieces once you are fully healed.
Outbreaks Can Still Happen
Sometimes even when we are as careful as possible, we still end up with an outbreak. Depending on the situation, we can sometimes still save the piercing. Other times, the piercing ends up needing to be removed. If the outbreak isn’t directly on the piercing, but in another area, you can treat it as usual. Take extra care not to transfer those fluids anywhere else on the body- consider wearing gloves to clean and apply topical treatments to the area, and washing thoroughly after doing so. Be careful with using the same towel or items on that area and others of your body to prevent it from spreading.
If the outbreak is near the piercing you can try the same methods to carefully treat and medicate the area. I have seen clients get outbreaks on their upper lip after septum and nostril piercings and just very very carefully treat and manage it. However, if the outbreak ends up directly on the piercing, causes the piercing to become extremely swollen or irritated, or causes too much discomfort, you may need to make the call to remove it. Don’t hesitate to work with both your piercer and your doctor to determine the best course of action in this situation.
No Shame
I can’t in good faith write this article and not talk about the heavy stigma and shame that surrounds herpes. Despite how incredibly common this virus is, and how many people have it without ever knowing, it’s still deeply stigmatized. Like many STD’s herpes is treated as something “dirty” or “lesser than”. There is a moral judgment associated with it that other viral infections don’t carry. This is fully a societal stigma and one that needs to change. No one is dirty or unclean for having a virus- any virus. You aren’t any lesser than for having this virus either. It is an illness, like many others. There is nothing “unclean” about you. People with herpes live full, satisfying lives. They have successful romantic and sexual relationships, they enjoy parenthood, and they get all of the fun sparkly piercings their hearts desire.
If you or someone you are close to has herpes, please remember you are worthy of love, respect, and appreciation. Your diagnosis doesn’t change that at all. If piercings are something that you are interested in, or that may even make you feel better about your body, you can absolutely be pierced safely. Piercings can even help you feel connected to your body and help you with processing and coming to terms with your diagnosis. It’s a powerful way to take agency over your body again and say you are more than an illness. I wish you the best of luck on your piercing journey- happy healing!