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Writer's picturelynnloheide

Cheers to 200

How is it we are here? Almost 2 years ago I was drafting a piece to commemorate the 100th post on my blog. Now, here I am, writing a piece to commemorate the 200th post on my blog. 200 articles. Over a million people have read something on my blog. I look at these numbers and I’m honestly a little overwhelmed. This blog started as a way to answer frequently asked questions at my studio- by being able to link a quick little blog post rather than type up a full response every time (work smarter, not harder). Quickly it grew into a way to share education about piercings I saw lacking in other areas online, and before I knew it it became a place for me to share many things deeply important to me. A way to document elements of piercing history that I wanted more people to know about. A platform to speak out about issues in this industry like abuse, fatphobia, and homophobia. And a place to share some of my most vulnerable thoughts, to be real about struggling with mental illness, imposter syndrome, and surviving abuse in the industry. This blog has become a huge part of my life and a huge passion of mine. Before I was on tiktok or YouTube, I was blogging. On June 9th 2016, I published my first blog post about horizontal tongue piercings. Now, on June 9th 2023, I’m writing this to celebrate my 200th post.

And yes, I’ll have you know I got chills looking up that date and realizing it was the 9th.

I am so unbelievably grateful to every person who has supported me on this journey, who reads what I post, watches my video, or just likes and comments on my post. It means the world to me, and it genuinely keeps me motivated to keep writing, keep recording, and keep creating content for you all.

The Lynn that started this blog was in the midst of their third apprenticeship. I was in a not-so-great situation where I was not permitted to have much contact with other piercers or others in the industry. This is a common tactic used by abusers to separate their victims from systems of support and help. It’s effective- it works. My social media and my phone were monitored as part of my apprenticeship- no contact with other piercers was strict. And while much of this blog was designed for education and answering clients’ questions, it was also my lifeline for a long time. My blog posts were an excuse, a reason to talk to other piercers and interact with the community. When people were sharing my blogs or asking me questions about them it was one of the few times I was allowed to communicate with other piercers. It was a small window into the world I missed being a part of terribly much. Over time, I felt like my blog posts were little letters in a bottle to the peers in this community I longed to talk to again. I hoped they would see them, see how hard I was working, and be proud of me for sticking it out in an industry notorious for people dropping out and quitting.

When I finally left that situation and came forward about the abuse, my blog took on new meaning. I used it to tell my story and to begin to share education and resources with others who may be in situations like mine. Through my blog, I was able to get out information about fair pay laws, sexual assault and harassment in the workplace, and ethical workplace conditions. Writing about this was healing for me too- every blog was a letter to the version of myself who didn’t have those resources. Who didn’t know it wasn’t normal to be working 7 days a week, unpaid, and be emotionally and physically abused at work. Eventually, I would get messages from other apprentices and piercers in similar situations who told me how my blog helped them. Inspired them to leave, and made them realize they were worth more.

I keep every single one of those messages, and I have cried over them more times than I can count. I am endlessly proud of every single person in this industry who leaves their shitty studios and bad situations and stands up for themselves. That is exactly why I write some of the things I do, and if even one person ends up in a better situation because of it, then everything was worth it. These messages give me hope, warm my soul, and heal a little part of me every time, knowing that others are safe.

And now we sit at the 200th post. 7 years of blogging and writing and sharing my thoughts on the page. Many people have thanked me for what I have written or how it has helped. But for this anniversary, I must thank my readers. Because writing this blog has helped me more than most of you will ever know, and I would not be here without your support and kindness. You have kept me going through any difficult times, given me hope in this industry when it felt hopeless, and have allowed me to be able to travel, guest, and be successful in a career that is dear to my heart. If even one person has found this information helpful, or useful, or it has inspired them to pursue a better path, then it has all been worth it.

Thank you, eternally. For an incredible 7 years, and 200 blogs. And to many, many more.

<3- Lynn


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